Book cheap hotels in Iceland

Even with Iceland’s name synonymous to cold weather, the country with the implied chilly name is fast becoming one of Europe’s most popular destinations. It is a nature lover’s dream to visit this place where volcanic eruptions and natural land formations carved it into one of the earth’s most beautiful landscapes. Aside from its beautiful and unmatched scenery, Iceland holds mystery to its rich folkloric tradition. Iceland is one of the world’s most expensive places to travel because of its skyrocketing fuel prices, yet its beauty beckons to even the tight-wadded tourist who craves the views that mystic Iceland beholds.

More information about this destination
Would you like to book a holiday to Iceland? It is a beautiful holiday destination. The country is very popular: a green nature, a delicious local cuisine, extraordinary museums and a wonderful culture. There is a suitable hotel for every budget. There are quite a few budget hotels from €110,00 per overnight stay. Are you booking a room in a central location? Then you have to count on an average of €248,00 per overnight stay. You have many options here for a sun holiday. But it is also crowded in winter. Book your hotel room in Iceland at the lowest rate. Compare the hotel providers below and get started right away.

Capital cityReykjavik
Average hotel room price€161,00
Official languageIcelandic, Icelandic Sign Language
Official CurrencyIcelandic króna (ISK)
Favorable travel timeMay & September
Area of the country103000 km2
Leading carrierIcelandair
Main Airport Keflavik International Airport (IATA:KEF)

Information before you leave
Are you booking a trip to Iceland? Read carefully about the local rules and protocols. One of the most important cities is Reykjavik. The national currency is Icelandic króna (ISK). The Icelandic time zone is UTC±00:00. People speak here in: Icelandic, Icelandic Sign Language. They have about 372.899 residents. Its total land area is 103000 km2. Most important information about electricity: the default voltage is 230 V, 50 Hz and the plug type is C / F. The international calling code is +354.

Compare best hotels in Iceland (July 2024)

Popular regions for your hotel stay in Iceland

Iceland has versatile holiday areas. Choose one of the regions below. You can then find an explanation and view the available hotel offer. Also explore hotel accommodations in Bahamas & Sweden.

Main Attractions of Iceland

Part of this island constitutes Iceland’s territory in the Arctic Circle. The 100 meter high cliffs and different species of bird colonies nesting on the island are enough reason to visit this place. This is also the home of the most avid chess players in the country. It is said that losing a match resulted in the loser jumping off to the sea as failure in chess was synonymous to failure in life. When invited to play in such games, it is best to treat the invitation and the game seriously.

Mývatn Reserve
Found in northeast Iceland, this is considered one of the natural wonders of the world. Its main attraction is the blue lake which is teeming with wildlife, which is a breather from Iceland’s volcanic or geothermal topographical formations. This is also the place of Iceland’s finest weather as it is located in the rain shadow of an enormous icecap. Other sights to see are the Kverkfjöll ice caves, Námaskaro or the Hverfell crater.

This is the namesake of all geysers as it is the original spouting hot spring which was formed in the 14th century. However, this has remained inactive since the 1960s so its capability of shooting up water to 80 meters in the air would not be seen. However, another neighbouring volcano Strokkur erupts every five to ten minutes for a live geyser show.

Iceland’s most popular waterfall could showcase different spectacles depending on the weather. Its sprays create shimmering rainbows during sunny days, while bleak drizzly days result in the disappearance of the falls into the mist. The falls tumble 32 meters into a steep canyon on its side where the spray shows are seen.

Populaire plekken in deze regio:

Details on public transportation in Iceland

Iceland offers many options for public transport. A good domestic airport is Keflavik International Airport. This is a very nice airport. The national flight company is Icelandair. They fly to different destinations. You can also go there for a last-minute deal. On more background info is given about: tourism, tax, police and emergency services and passport control.

How to get there and how to get around?

By plane
The Keflavik International Airport is found 40 kilometres from Reykjavik. Icelandair is the national carrier which has direct flights to Europe and the United States. There is a cheaper option with Iceland Express, which flies from Copenhagen and Stansted. There is a transfer bus available from the airport and the Reykjavik bus terminal which passes through different hotels in its route, while another available bus stop at the Blue Lagoon shuttles to and from the airport every half hour.

Taking the plane around Iceland is also an option, since aircrafts are also a form of internal travel. However, expect a bumpy ride if you are coming from the fjords of places like Akurevri.

By ferry
Taking a ferry to Iceland makes a longer trip than by flying in, but it has the advantage of allowing you to bring your own vehicle. The Smyril Line is in operation from late May to early September from Hanstholm in Denmark. However, this requires a two-night’s stay in the Faroe Islands en route to Iceland, making it take more time to get to your destination.

By bus
Going around Iceland via BSI Travel ensures a reliable trip as the bus service runs to most parts of the country especially around the Ring Road.

By car
Car rentals are available under Avis and Hertz, as well as a local company Alp. Hiring a car, however, can be very expensive most especially with the sky-high petrol rates and in choosing four-wheel drives. However, it should be remembered that these car rental companies are not open round the clock. Driving around Iceland may take a bit of getting used to, as drivers are on the right side of the road. There is a need to have great mastery of driving in icy conditions as the roads may be slippery and river crossings might be necessary.

By hitchhiking
Hitchhiking is actually safe in Iceland and is a good idea of going around. The people are friendly enough to give strangers a ride as there is no danger in doing so. It is easy to hitch a ride along the main roads in the western region that follows the coastline. In remote areas, however, it may be difficult to flag down anyone and the weather could be terrible.

By bike
Bicycles can be rented in urban centres, hotels, hostels, and guesthouses around the country. It may be difficult to go around via the unsurfaced roads, steep hills, and unpredictable weather conditions, but many tourists have already started biking around Iceland as their form of transport.

Typical hotel rates

Icelandic hotel prices vary widely (based on regio & type of accommodation). We place a price indication in the next figure.

Hotel classPrices
Budget hotel room€110,00
Average room€161,00
Luxurious accommodation€248,00
Weekend vacation€483,00
Eating (per person)€63,00
Basic rates for an hotel stay in Iceland

Climate & Weather Forecasts July 2024

Iceland is a wonderful country. The country has a Tundra climate. The average temperature here is 2,3 degrees centigrade °C. In winter it is a bit colder. During this period it is about -6,0 degrees Celsius °C. It is warmer in the summer period. Arround 10,8°C degrees. In the widget below you get an impression of the weather of the coming days.

What should I pay attention to when driving in Iceland?

Driving around Iceland can be difficult and even dangerous. It is wise to check the local weather conditions before going for a drive. Also essential is a good grasp of driving skills to be up to the task. Hypothermia is common in Iceland while trekking, when the body loses its heat faster than it can produce it so body temperature falls drastically. It is hard to anticipate since it happens all at once. Symptoms of this include exhaustion, numb skin, shivering, slurred speech, irrational/violent behaviour, lethargy, stumbling, dizzy spells, muscle cramps, and violent bursts of energy. Regardless of time of day. it is mandatory to keep headlights on while driving.